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Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
HY POWER +cartoon 32
HYRANGE MEATS +cartoon 29
I AM WEASEL +cartoon 9
I SMILEE +ovals & cartoon 35, 45
I'M HERE SUGAR +cartoon 42
cartoon 29, 30
I-PEOPLE +cartoon 41
I-PLAY I-LEARN +cartoon 16, 41
IACM +cartoon 41
IANTZ +cartoon of ant 42
ICC +cartoon of elephant 9, 14, 16, 18, 21, 25, 28, 39, 41, 43
ICE CHIK +cartoon of bird 43
ICE WAYSS +cartoon 29, 30, 32
IDHAYAA brand rice +cartoon 30
cartoon 14, 16, 18, 24, 25, 28, 35, 41
IEEMAN +cartoon 9, 35, 42
IKOO +cartoon 16, 41
IKSANA +cartoon & butterfly 41
IMAGE ONLINE +cartoon 16
IMLI +cartoon of face 43
IMMUMOD +boy & cartoon 5
IMPY CLUBS +cartoon 41, 42
IN-FUSIO +cartoon 9
INDIGO IGUANA +cartoon 43
INDONECTOR +cartoon 17
INDOREELAL +cartoon of man 30
INKLY PINKLY +cartoon 25
INSAT +cartoon 41
IP +cartoon & arrow 41
IPS +cartoon 42
IPS +cartoon of man & torch 41
IPSA +cartoon 16, 35, 38, 39, 41, 42
IPSOL +cartoon 16
IPSOL +cartoon & arrow 41
IPSOLUTIONS +cartoon 41
IQ BABY +cartoon of man 25
ISEC IT SECURITY +cartoon 9, 16, 38
ITCH +cartoon 41
ITCH GUARD +cartoon 5
ITSUKI +cartoon of girls 43
IVEGA +crescent & cartoon 9
IWALKY +cartoon 25
IYOGI +cartoon 9, 16, 35, 42
IYOGI CHARACTER +cartoon 9, 16, 35, 42
IYOGI.NET +cartoon 9, 16, 35, 42
J +cartoon of girl 16, 41
J MERRY +cartoon & ovals 2
J.J.'S pop corn +cartoon 30
J.P. +cartoon 30
JABILI +cartoon 29
JACK & JILL +cartoon 41
JACKPOT +cartoon 30
JADO PADO +cartoon 35
JADUGAR +cartoon 30
JADUGAR +cartoon & stars 17
JADUGAR poha +cartoon 30
JAIHO +cartoon 29
JAIHO gingelly oil +cartoon 29
JAILAXMI namkeen +cartoon 30
JAIN TEX +cartoon 25
JAINTDEVIL +cartoon 25
JAJUWALA +cartoon 30
JALAN SATTAM satu +cartoon 30
JALDHARA +cartoon 32
JAMBOREE +cartoon 25
JAMMY +cartoon & stars 16
JAMUURA.COM +cartoon 35, 38, 42, 45
JANATACEM +cartoon & brush 2
JANATHACEM +cartoon 2, 19
cartoon 16
JANTA CEM +cartoon 2
JANTACEM +cartoon 2
JANTASAM +cartoon 2
JANUS cafe +cup & cartoon 30
JAPANG +cartoon of boy 29, 30
JAPFA +cartoon & oval 16
JASOOS +cartoon of man 45
JASSI'S +cartoon 42
JAXO 100 +cartoon 29
JAY EXCAVATORS +cartoon 37
JAY JAY WHITE +cartoon 2
JB'S GYAN KSHATRA +cartoon 41
JEEVAN +cartoon 34
JEEVAN +fruits & cartoon 34
JEEVANDEEP classes +cartoon 16
JELLY BELLY +cartoon 3, 9, 11, 14, 16, 18, 20, 21, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30, 32
JELLY JOLLY +cartoon 30
JFP MR. RING +cartoon 30
JHONY +cartoon 30
JHONY milk toffee +cartoon 30
JIFFY JOLLY +cartoon 16
JIFFY SENSE +cartoon 9
JIJO mawa mix +cartoon 31
JIMBALU +cartoon 16
JIMBOY +cartoon 30
JIMY JELLY +cartoon 29
JINN ZINN meva mix +cartoon 31
JINNY GOLA +cartoon 30
cartoon 30
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